
Research Members of our team have through the years devoted much of their time to researching various subjects of interest. Here you will find a list of topics which are ongoing work as well as publications which have been a result of some of these. You will also find drafts of past and present papers which are still undergoing work and revision.

Research is crucial in all elephant Minds projects. We aim for thorough and independent analysis and wish to share this work and its results with interested Minds.We would be happy to receive feedback on the publications on our website. You are also welcome to send us any relevant material that you may want to share with us for discussion or publication. If you wish to contribute by writing a short review of any of our articles, reports, or essays we would much appreciate it. We will regularly publish these in our Reviews & Publications. We will also publish quarterly reviews of different books and papers which you will find in the same section.

Our main research interests are grouped within the following areas:

This research area focuses on the acquisition of languages, languages and culture, and the origins of languages.

For articles on Languages visit our blogs page.

Current research focuses on:

The factors which determine if a country is rich or poor-There are several theories about which factors determine if a country is rich or poor. Some authors emphasise the positive or negative role of institutions in the economic performance of countries. Others think that geography or culture is the main reason why some countries have become rich while others remain poor.

The Austrian School of Economics, arguments in favour of Appeasement-The Austrian School of Economics is the only school of economics that successfully predicted the Wall Street crash in 1929/30 and the financial crisis today through its Business Cycle Theory. It is in favour of free markets, sound money (e.g. money backed by a tangible commodity, for example gold), interest rates set by the market (and not the government or central bank), non-intervention by the state. It has an unfavourable reputation because it is often (but wrongly) accused of being responsible for the Great Depression of the 1930s.

Past and current research focuses on the relationship between Argentina and Britain up to the late 19th century. Some of this work has mainly centered this ‘special’ economic, political, social and diplomatic relation around the late 18th century and the early decades of 19th century.

For articles on this topic click here.

Research in this field includes:

Arguments in favour of Appeasement

The British policy of appeasing Nazi-Germany in the 1930s is today seen as wrong and cowardly. Its main proponent, the British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, is regarded as a fool and a coward. However, there were a number of good arguments in favour of appeasing Nazi-Germany – strategic, financial, legal and even moral ones.

Research on this area focuses on:

The benefits of global warming and the increasing carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere-The increasing concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere, rising temperatures and increasing rainfalls could have very positive impact on many areas in the world, which are now too dry or too cold for farming or even settlement. Philipp has published an article about the greening of the Sahel, a semi-arid south of the Sahara, which is due to increasing rainfalls and increasing CO2 concentrations.

For articles about Climate Change click here.

The crucial role of fossil fuels in creating and maintaining a prosperous economy and society

The use of fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas) has been enabled human societies – first in Europe and increasingly worldwide – to achieve high economic growth rates. Fossil fuels are absolutely crucial for the functioning of modern societies. Agriculture, trade, transport, the generation of electricity all depend on the use of coal, oil and gas. Despite many claims to the contrary, fossil fuels are actually abundant and in no danger of running out. 

For articles on Energy issues click here.

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For research opportunities with us see Your Minds, Volunteers, New Researchers.