Reviews & Publications

Book reviews, articles, reports and other papers will be published regularly in our website. We believe that sharing our work is key to the enhancement of our own educational experience. If you have any work that you would like to share please feel free to send it or contact us to discuss it. See below a sample of our work.

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The Elephant's Child, by Rudyard Kipling. Review by Patricia C Prada Jimenez

English Influence in the Argentine Republic, by William Graham. Review by Patricia C Prada Jimenez

Reseña literaria del ensayo “Esclavitud”, de la escritora Alcira Antonia Cufré. Por Patricia C Prada Jimenez

Elephants on the Edge; What Animals Teach Us about Humanity, by G. A. Bradshaw. Review by Patricia C Prada Jimenez

Review of ‘European Disunion Done Right’ (The Economist), by Philipp Müller


Se Vende la Argentina? by Patricia C Prada Jimenez

How Global Warming Could Benefit Agriculture by Philipp Müller

Venezuela by Philipp Müller

Mexico by Philipp Müller

Climate Change by Philipp Müller

The Abundance of Fossil Fuels - Why We Will Not Run Out Of Fossil Fuels by Philipp Müller

The Sahel is Greening by Philipp Müller

Der Sahel wird grün by Philipp Müller

Circumstantial Empire; Britain and Argentina, 1800-1832 by Patricia C Prada Jimenez

Malvinas una nueva etapa by Patricia C Prada Jimenez


Circumstantial Empire, Latin America, Argentina Suggested Bibliography Collection

Climate Change: Propaganda or Reality Report by Patricia C Prada Jimenez

What the Immigrants Can Do for Us; or the Socio-economic Consequences of Mr Blunkett Report by Patricia C Prada Jimenez

Circumstantial Empire; Britain and Argentina, 1800-1832 Index to Thesis

Theories of Imperialism Synopsis


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